Learning To Be an “Ecological” Coach: Developing Attuned & Adaptable Coaching Skills

ناشر : Kindle Edition
دسته کتاب : کتاب‌های لاتین
آخرین به‌روزرسانی : ۱۳ اسفند ۱۴۰۳

By: Rob Gray

How can you become an “ecological coach”? That is, learn to coach in a manner consistent with the new, evidence-based theory of skill acquisition and refinement, discussed in the bestselling books “How We Learn to Move” and “Learning to Optimize Movement”. In this, the third book in the series, the focus turns to skill acquisition and development in coaches. Learn to design effective, challenging, and engaging practice environments. Learn to use the Constraints-Led Approach. Use instruction, cueing, and demonstration more effectively. Vary practice difficulty and variability to challenge your athletes at the optimal level. Learn to observe movement to pick up key invariants and the affordances available to your athletes. Incorporate the latest technology and scientific research into your coaching.

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